Translation of "Mother" into Malay
Mother / Ibu
- mum
- mama
- maternal figure
- mom
Thus, he was teaching Tan-ya the intricate dance of the Great Spiritual Mother, that she was supposed to be mastering.
Oleh itu, beliau mengajar Tan-ya tarian yang rumit dari Great Spritual Mother, yang dia sepatutnya menguasai.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 But one day, I came home and my foster mother had made chicken wings for dinner.
Tapi suatu hari apabila pulang dari sekolah, ibu angkat saya telah memasak kepak ayam untuk makan malam.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Valentine 's Day Mother 's Day Father 's Day.
Hari Valentine Hari Ibu Hari Bapa.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 The love of the mother for her child.
Kasih sayang ibu anaknya kasih.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 However, not all queens dowager are queens mother; they may have a relation other than mother to the reigning monarch, such as aunt or grandmother.
Walau bagaimanapun, tidak semua permaisuripermaisuri ialah bonda ratu; mereka mungkin mempunyai hubungan selain daripada bonda kepada raja yang memerintah, seperti bonda saudara atau nenenda.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 And her mother was such a pretty creature.
Dan ibunya adalah makhluk yang cantik.
Data source: QED_v2.0a The first U. S. citizen to be canonized, Mother Frances Cabrini, attended St. Paul of the Cross Church and owned a farm at the north edge of Park Ridge.[20].
Warganegara AS pertama yang dikanonisasi, Mother Frances Cabrini, menghadiri sekolah St Paul of the Cross serta memiliki sebuah ladang di pinggir utara Park Ridge.[20].
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402