Tom arrived at Mary's house in the middle of the night.
Tom tiba di rumah Mary pada tengah malam.
Hawaii seems a lonely island in the middle of the Pacific.
Hawaii nampaknya sebuah pulau yang sunyi di tengah-tengah Pasifik.
Being a healthy eater will not stop you gaining weight once you hit middle age, Australian researchers have found.
Menjadi pemakan yang sihat tidak akan menghalang anda menambah berat badan sebaik sahaja anda mencapai usia pertengahan, penyelidik Australia mendapati.
You're a middle child, too, aren't you?
Awak anak tengah juga kan?
I want to sit in the middle.
Saya mahu duduk di tengah.
We are lost in the middle of nowhere.
Kita tersesat di tengah jalan.
I had to leave the theater in the middle of the concert.
Saya terpaksa meninggalkan teater di tengah-tengah konsert.
I'm right in the middle of doing something.
Saya betul-betul di tengah-tengah melakukan sesuatu.
He woke up in the middle of the night.
Dia bangun di tengah malam.
What a pain, why does he have to vacuum in the middle of the night!
Alangkah sakitnya, kenapa dia perlu vakum di tengah malam!
This is the first time I've ever made noise in the middle of the night.
Ini adalah kali pertama saya membuat bising di tengah malam.
Tom woke up in the middle of the night.
Tom bangun pada tengah malam.
Tom didn't take the map with him, so after several hours of going in circles we ended up in the middle of nowhere.
Tom tidak membawa peta bersamanya, jadi selepas beberapa jam pergi dalam bulatan kami berakhir di tengah-tengah mana-mana.
The hand has five fingers: the thumb, the index finger, the middle finger, the ring finger, and the pinky.
Tangan mempunyai lima jari: ibu jari, jari telunjuk, jari tengah, jari manis, dan merah jambu.
She is living in the middle of nowhere.
Dia tinggal di tengah-tengah mana-mana.
Take the top and you will have the middle.
Ambil bahagian atas dan anda akan mempunyai bahagian tengah.
The middle finger is the longest.
Jari tengah adalah yang paling panjang.
Tom stood in the middle of the room.
Tom berdiri di tengah-tengah bilik.
Oh my, leaving the table in the middle of meal is bad manners, you know.
Ya ampun, meninggalkan meja di tengah-tengah makan adalah perangai buruk, anda tahu.