Lyric (Lirik)
Translation into Malay
The Lyric Apollo Gielgud and Queen 's theatres.
Lyric Apollo Gielgud dan Queen.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 From knowing every lyric to Let it Go, to that now-iconic Elsa costume, it’s safe to say this Disney film has been a big hit with children all across the nation.
Dari mengetahui setiap lirik ke Lepaskan, kepada itu kini pakaian ikonik Elsa, adalah selamat untuk mengatakan filem Disney ini telah menjadi hit besar dengan kanak-kanak di seluruh negara.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Check out the full lyric music video at Ayda’s Youtube now.
Saksikan muzik video lirik penuh di Youtube Ayda sekarang.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Literature three basic formulas - epic, lyric poetry and drama - arose in ancient times and still lives today.
Sastera tiga formula asas - epik, puisi lirik dan drama - timbul pada zaman purba dan masih hidup hari ini.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 It is generally considered the heart of London's West End theatre district, with the Lyric, Apollo, Gielgud and Queen's theatres clustered together on the north side of the road between Piccadilly Circus and Charing Cross Road.
Ia juga dianggap sebagai pusat daerah teater West End di London, dengan teater Lyric, Apollo, Gielgud dan Queen's dikelompokkan sama di bahagian utara jalan di antara Piccadilly Circus dan Charing Cross Road.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 With the Lyric Opera, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and numerous jazz, blues, folk, and house music venues nearby, Chicago provides opportunities for music enjoyment, study, and internships.
Dengan Opera Lyric, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, dan banyak jazz, blues, rakyat, dan tempat muzik rumah berdekatan, Chicago memberi peluang kepada keseronokan muzik, belajar, dan latihan.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 A Lyric Labs representative will contact you soon to collect more information about your project and accordingly a quote will be sent as well.
Wakil daripada Lyric Labs akan menghubungi anda untuk mendapatkan maklumat yang lebih terperinci mengenai projek itu dan sebut harga akan dihantar dengan kadar segera.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Synonyms
- text
- lines
- verses
- words