From time to time the lightning flashed, and the dull thunder is heard.
Dari semasa ke semasa kilat memancar, dan guruh yang membosankan kedengaran.
Did you see that flash of lightning?
Adakah anda melihat kilat itu?
The cat shot under the table when thunder rumbled and lightning flashed outside.
Kucing itu menembak di bawah meja apabila guruh bergemuruh dan kilat memancar di luar.
Tom was killed by lightning.
Tom dibunuh oleh kilat.
Tom has been struck by lightning three times.
Tom telah disambar petir sebanyak tiga kali.
The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.
Perbezaan antara perkataan yang betul dan hampir perkataan yang betul ialah perbezaan antara kilat dan pepijat kilat.
It is because light travels faster than sound that we see lightning before we hear thunder.
Kerana cahaya bergerak lebih cepat daripada bunyi, kita melihat kilat sebelum kita mendengar guruh.
I ran as fast as lightning.
Saya berlari sepantas kilat.
There is lightning.
Ada kilat.
The big tree was struck by lightning.
Pokok besar itu disambar petir.
The tree was struck by lightning.
Pokok itu disambar petir.
The flash of lightning precedes the sound of thunder.
Kilatan kilat mendahului bunyi guruh.
The lightning flashed.
Petir menyambar.
I'm at the hospital. I got struck by lightning.
Saya di hospital. Saya disambar petir.
Tom was killed by lightning.
Tom dibunuh oleh kilat.
Tom was killed by lightning.
Tom dibunuh oleh kilat.
Tom was killed by lightning.
Tom dibunuh oleh kilat.
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