I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow in the knee.
Saya pernah menjadi pengembara seperti anda, kemudian saya mengambil anak panah di lutut.
My knee hurts.
Lutut saya sakit.
When I fell I tore a hole in the knee of my pants.
Apabila saya jatuh saya mengoyakkan lubang di lutut seluar saya.
I hit my knee against the door.
Saya memukul lutut saya ke pintu.
Since his hands were full, Tom pushed open the door with his knee.
Oleh kerana tangannya penuh, Tom menolak pintu dengan lututnya.
Tom fell and hurt his knee.
Tom jatuh dan cedera lututnya.
Mary treated her wounded knee.
Mary merawat lututnya yang cedera.
Won't you sit on my knee?
Takkan awak duduk atas lutut saya?
The snow was knee deep.
Salji sedalam lutut.
I like to wear my skirts knee length.
Saya suka memakai skirt saya paras lutut.
Her dress is above the knee.
Pakaiannya di atas lutut.
He was knee deep in mud.
Dia berlutut dalam lumpur.
He hurt his knee when he fell.
Dia cedera lutut apabila dia terjatuh.
The boy fell and scraped his knee.
Budak itu jatuh dan mengikis lututnya.
Tom hurt his left knee during practice, so John had to play the game in his place.
Tom cedera lutut kirinya semasa latihan, jadi John terpaksa bermain permainan di tempatnya.
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