Translation of "Kind" into Malay
Kind / Baik
- benevolent
- compassionate
- considerate
- generous
- goodhearted
Two jeogori may be the earliest surviving archaeological finds of their kind.
Dua helai jeogori mungkin merupakan penemuan arkeologi paling awal yang masih ada.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 And I want to create more opportunities for people to find that kind of common ground.
Dan saya mahu wujudkan lebih banyak peluang untuk orang mencari satu titik persamaan itu.
Data source: TED2020_v1 I started thinking about this and the caviar vending machine and the Art-o-mat all together, and some reason, I was one night drawing a vending machine, thinking about doing paintings of a vending machine, and the little vial of my DNA was sitting there, and I saw this kind of beautiful collaboration between the strands of DNA and the coils of a vending machine.
Saya mula berfikir tentang ini dan mesin layan diri kaviar dan Art-o-mat, dan entah mengapa, suatu malam saya melukis mesin layan diri, berfikir tentang membuat lukisan mesin layan diri, dan bebuli kecil berisi DNA saya dalamnya, dan saya lihat kerjasama indah antara helaian DNA dan gegelung mesin layan diri.
Data source: NeuLab-TedTalks_v1 Now, if your mother ever mentioned that life is not fair, this is the kind of thing she was talking about.
Jika ibu anda pernah sebut yang hidup ini tidak adil, inilah maksud dia.
Data source: TED2020_v1 So what does that kind of constructive conflict require?
Jadi, apakah yang diperlukan oleh konflik konstruktif seperti ini?
Data source: TED2020_v1 She was known however for having a very good judgement and a kind nature.
Dia terkenal dengan mempunyai pertimbangan yang baik dan baik hati.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 SN2 is a kind of nucleophilic substitution reaction mechanism.
S N 2 adalah sejenis mekanisme reaksi penggantian nukleofilik.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402