Translation of "Independently" into Malay
Independently / Berdikari
- separately
- singularly
- autonomously
- on one's own
Players can choose user interface (UI) and voice-over languages independently.
Pemain boleh memilih antara muka pengguna (UI) dan bahasa suara secara bebas.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Admissions are determined independently by the two schools.
Kemasukan ditentukan secara bebas oleh kedua-dua sekolah.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Must be able to work independently with minimum supervision.
Mesti berupaya untuk bekerja secara bebas dengan pengawasan minimum.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Chinese scientists were able to isolate a strain of the coronavirus and publish the genetic sequence so laboratories across the world could independently develop polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests to detect infection by the virus.
Ahli sains China mampu mengasingkan strain koronavirus dan menerbitkan jujukan genetik agar makmal seluruh dunia boleh secara bebas membangunkan ujian reaksi rantai polimerase (PCR) untuk mengesan jangkitan oleh virus.
Data source: tico-19_v2020-10-28 Proactive, creative and able to work independently.
Aktif, kreatif, dan mampu bekerja mandiri.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Pro-active and capable to work independently.
Pro-aktif dan mampu bekerja secara bebas.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 We make independently nests for layers.
Kami membuat sarang secara berasingan untuk lapisan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1