Translation of "Hill" into Malay
Hill / Bukit
The Hill Bed and Breakfast This Privacy Statement.
The Hill Bed Breakfast Penyata Privasi ini.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 22 Jump Street is a 2014 American buddy cop action comedy film directed by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, written by Jonah Hill, Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel and Rodney Rothman and produced by and starring Hill and Channing Tatum.
22 Jump Street ialah filem komedi aksi polis Amerika 2014 arahan Phil Lord dan Christopher Miller, yang ditulis oleh Jonah Hill, Michael Bacall, Oren Uziel dan Rodney Rothman dan dihasilkan oleh dan dibintangi oleh Hill dan Channing Tatum.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 No, I gotta see Captain Hill.
Tidak, aku akan menemui Kapten Hill.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Muirfield has run an agricultural display at the Castle Hill Show since 1992.
Muirfield telah menjalankan paparan pertanian di Castle Hill Show sejak tahun 1992.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 "On March 10, 2020, The Hill reported that U. S. Senate Republicans who had attended a briefing with President Donald Trump had encouraged him to hold more briefings and to make Anthony Fauci the ""face of the federal government's response"" because according to an unnamed senator","he has credibility"", he ""speaks with authority"" and he ""has respect in the medical community".
"Pada 10 Mac 2020, The Hill melaporkan bahawa ahli Republikan Senat A. S. yang telah menghadiri taklimat dengan Presiden Donald Trump telah mendorongnya untuk mengadakan lebih banyak taklimat dan menjadikan Anthony Fauci sebagai ""wajah tindak balas kerajaan persekutuan"" kerana menurut seorang senator yang tidak disebutkan namanya","beliau mempunyai kredibiliti"", beliau ""berbicara dengan wewenang"" dan beliau ""mempunyai rasa hormat dalam komuniti perubatan".
Data source: ELRC_2922_v1 Serving Hill Valley and all of Hill County, you're tuned to KKHV, the voice of Hill Valley.
Memberi khidmat kepada Hill Valley dan kesemua Hill County, kau sedang dengar pada KKHV, suara kepada Hill Valley.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Tales from Earthsea (2006), director and screenwriter From Up on Poppy Hill (2011), director Earwig and the Witch (2020), director.
Tales from Earthsea (2006), pengarah dan penulis skrip From Up on Poppy Hill (2011), pengarah Earwig and the Witch (2020), pengarah.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402