Is there anyone here who disagrees?
Adakah sesiapa di sini yang tidak bersetuju?
Nobody else knew Tom was going to be here.
Tiada orang lain tahu Tom akan berada di sini.
Somebody left a package here for you.
Seseorang meninggalkan bungkusan di sini untuk anda.
Wasn't Tom here earlier today?
Bukankah Tom di sini awal hari ini?
I live here all year round now.
Saya tinggal di sini sepanjang tahun sekarang.
I'll stay right here until you get back.
Saya akan tinggal di sini sehingga awak kembali.
Is food scarce around here?
Adakah makanan terhad di sekitar sini?
Roll the barrel over here.
Gulung tong ke sini.
There are some very strange things going on here.
Terdapat beberapa perkara yang sangat pelik berlaku di sini.
Nobody here seems to know where Tom is.
Tiada siapa di sini nampaknya tahu di mana Tom berada.
It's a shame God is not here to watch this fire.
Sungguh memalukan Tuhan tidak ada di sini untuk melihat api ini.
If you're cold, come here and sit down by the fire.
Jika anda sejuk, datang ke sini dan duduk di tepi api.
Do your parents know that you're here?
Adakah ibu bapa anda tahu bahawa anda berada di sini?
How often does it rain here?
Berapa kerap hujan di sini?
The climate here is warm for most of the year.
Iklim di sini panas sepanjang tahun.
A new railroad will soon be laid here.
Sebuah landasan kereta api baru akan diletakkan di sini tidak lama lagi.
Do you have a radio here?
Adakah anda mempunyai radio di sini?
I live quite near here.
Saya tinggal agak dekat sini.
It's a regular madhouse here.
Ia adalah rumah gila biasa di sini.
The prices here are very reasonable.
Harga di sini sangat berpatutan.
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