This television is very heavy.
Televisyen ini sangat berat.
The cargo was too heavy. The driver couldn't take it.
Kargo itu terlalu berat. Pemandu tidak dapat menahannya.
The donkeys were carrying heavy packs.
Keldai itu membawa bungkusan berat.
We need about five men to lift these heavy cases.
Kami memerlukan kira-kira lima lelaki untuk mengangkat kes berat ini.
It's too heavy to lift.
Ia terlalu berat untuk diangkat.
Tom is a heavy drinker.
Tom seorang peminum tegar.
Is that too heavy for you?
Adakah itu terlalu berat untuk anda?
This book is heavy reading.
Buku ini berat dibaca.
In the morning, there was a heavy rain.
Pada waktu pagi, hujan lebat.
Tom was tired and fell into a heavy sleep.
Tom letih dan tertidur lena.
"Has he broken up with you?" "Yes, and now my heart is heavy as lead".
"Adakah dia berpisah dengan awak?" "Ya, dan sekarang hati saya berat seperti plumbum".
The ground was covered with a heavy blanket of snow.
Tanah ditutup dengan selimut salji yang tebal.
These are heavy.
Ini berat.
Because of the heavy fog, we could barely see the road in front of us.
Kerana kabus tebal, kami hampir tidak dapat melihat jalan di hadapan kami.
Because of the heavy fog, not a single person could be seen.
Kerana kabus tebal, tiada seorang pun dapat dilihat.
Tom is a heavy drinker.
Tom seorang peminum tegar.
The match has been canceled due to heavy rain.
Perlawanan telah dibatalkan kerana hujan lebat.
This book is very heavy.
Buku ini sangat berat.
The train was delayed for two hours because of the heavy snow.
Kereta api itu tertangguh selama dua jam kerana salji lebat.
Tom has a heavy German accent.
Tom mempunyai loghat Jerman yang berat.
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