It is uncertain whether he will agree or not.
Tidak pasti sama ada dia akan bersetuju atau tidak.
A few minutes after he finished his work, he went to bed.
Beberapa minit selepas dia selesai kerja, dia tidur.
What is he saying?
Apa yang dia cakap?
I was just going to write a letter when he came home.
Saya hanya akan menulis surat apabila dia pulang ke rumah.
I was just going to write a letter when he came home.
Saya hanya akan menulis surat apabila dia pulang ke rumah.
He couldn't sleep because of the noise outside his window.
Dia tidak dapat tidur kerana bunyi bising di luar tingkapnya.
He tried, in vain, to borrow a large sum of money from them.
Dia cuba, sia-sia, untuk meminjam sejumlah besar wang daripada mereka.
He looked as if he hadn't eaten for days.
Dia kelihatan seperti tidak makan berhari-hari.
He addressed himself to the chairman.
Dia mengalamatkan dirinya kepada pengerusi.
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