Translation of "Gritty" into Malay
Gritty / Berpasir
A 1938 specification of the United States Department of Agriculture was 0.05 mm.[1] Sand feels gritty when rubbed between the fingers (silt, by comparison, feels like flour).
Spesifikasi minimum bagi Jabatan Pertanian Amerika Syarikat 1938 adalah 0.05 mm.[1] Pasir berasa kesat apabila digeser antara jari (lumpur, sebagai perbandingan, berasa seperti tepung).
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The victims were forced to use their bank cards to withdraw cash, which was stolen, before the attackers freed them in a gritty area of Rio.
Mangsa-mangsa terpaksa menggunakan kad bank mereka untuk mengeluarkan wang tunai, yang telah dicuri, sebelum penyerang dibebaskan mereka di kawasan sunyi Rio.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 We can take a decision right now that we will approach this challenge with a stubborn form of gritty, realistic and determined optimism and do everything within our power to ensure that we shape the path as we come out of this pandemic towards a regenerative future.
Kita boleh membuat keputusan sekarang yang kita akan menghadapi cabaran ini dengan kedegilan yang utuh, realistik dan optimistik dan berbuat apa saja dalam kuasa kita untuk memastikan perjalanan bila pandemik ini tamat membawa kepada masa depan yang regeneratif.
Data source: TED2020_v1 10. Rumer gave a standout performance in the film The Odd Way Home where she takes on the gritty role of Maya.
10. Rumer memberikan prestasi yg menonjol dalam filem The Odd Way Home di mana dia mengambil peranan yang cekal Maya.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 It is gritty and hard on the skin.
Menggerutu dan kasar pada kulit.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The sugars can crystallise inside the fruit when stored after a long period, making the dry raisins gritty, but that does not affect their usability.
Gula boleh mengkristal di dalam buah apabila disimpan selepas tempoh yang panjang, menjadikan kismis kering cerah, tetapi itu tidak menjejaskan kebolehgunaan mereka.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Again, almost all LASIK patients experience some degree of dry, gritty sensation after their procedures.
Sekali lagi, hampir semua pesakit LASIK mengalami sedikit deria sensasi kering, setelah prosedurnya.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1