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Translation meaning & definition of the word "gloomy" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "suram" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. Depressingly dark

  • "The gloomy forest"
  • "The glooming interior of an old inn"
  • "`gloomful' is archaic"
  • glooming
  • ,
  • gloomy
  • ,
  • gloomful
  • ,
  • sulky

1. Gelap menyedihkan

  • "Hutan suram"
  • "Bahagian dalam rumah penginapan lama yang suram"
  • "`gloomful' is archaic"
  • suram
  • ,
  • i zymtë
  • ,
  • merajuk

2. Filled with melancholy and despondency

  • "Gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"
  • "Gloomy predictions"
  • "A gloomy silence"
  • "Took a grim view of the economy"
  • "The darkening mood"
  • "Lonely and blue in a strange city"
  • "Depressed by the loss of his job"
  • "A dispirited and resigned expression on her face"
  • "Downcast after his defeat"
  • "Feeling discouraged and downhearted"
  • gloomy
  • ,
  • grim
  • ,
  • blue
  • ,
  • depressed
  • ,
  • dispirited
  • ,
  • down(p)
  • ,
  • downcast
  • ,
  • downhearted
  • ,
  • down in the mouth
  • ,
  • low
  • ,
  • low-spirited

2. Dipenuhi dengan sayu dan putus asa

  • "Suram memikirkan apa yang dia perlu hadapi"
  • "Ramalan suram"
  • "Senyap yang suram"
  • "Mengambil pandangan suram tentang ekonomi"
  • "Mood yang semakin gelap"
  • "Sunyi dan biru di bandar yang pelik"
  • "Tertekan dengan kehilangan pekerjaannya"
  • "Ekspresi wajahnya yang putus asa dan pasrah"
  • "Kecewa selepas kekalahannya"
  • "Rasa kecil hati dan kecewa"
  • suram
  • ,
  • muram
  • ,
  • biru
  • ,
  • tertekan
  • ,
  • i shpërbërë
  • ,
  • bawah(p)
  • ,
  • downcast
  • ,
  • i dëshpëruar
  • ,
  • turun dalam mulut
  • ,
  • rendah
  • ,
  • berjiwa rendah

3. Causing dejection

  • "A blue day"
  • "The dark days of the war"
  • "A week of rainy depressing weather"
  • "A disconsolate winter landscape"
  • "The first dismal dispiriting days of november"
  • "A dark gloomy day"
  • "Grim rainy weather"
  • blue
  • ,
  • dark
  • ,
  • dingy
  • ,
  • disconsolate
  • ,
  • dismal
  • ,
  • gloomy
  • ,
  • grim
  • ,
  • sorry
  • ,
  • drab
  • ,
  • drear
  • ,
  • dreary

3. Menyebabkan kekecewaan

  • "Hari biru"
  • "Hari-hari gelap perang"
  • "Seminggu cuaca menyedihkan hujan"
  • "Landskap musim sejuk yang tidak selesa"
  • "Hari-hari pertama yang menyedihkan pada bulan november"
  • "Hari suram yang gelap"
  • "Cuaca hujan suram"
  • biru
  • ,
  • gelap
  • ,
  • i çuditshëm
  • ,
  • putus asa
  • ,
  • i shkathët
  • ,
  • suram
  • ,
  • muram
  • ,
  • maaf
  • ,
  • menjemukan
  • ,
  • i zbehtë
  • ,
  • i zymtë

Examples of using

Today I've seen tens of gloomy angry faces glancing at me.
Hari ini saya telah melihat berpuluh-puluh muka muram marah memandang saya.
The room is very gloomy.
Bilik itu sangat suram.
The future looked very gloomy.
Masa depan kelihatan sangat suram.