These are my reading glasses.
Ini cermin mata bacaan saya.
Tom took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
Tom menanggalkan cermin matanya dan menggosok matanya.
She has no glasses.
Dia tidak mempunyai cermin mata.
Tom is wearing thick glasses.
Tom memakai cermin mata tebal.
"Where are my glasses?" - "You've left them on the kitchen table."
"Di mana cermin mata saya?" - "Anda telah meninggalkannya di atas meja dapur."
Don't leave your glasses on the table!
Jangan tinggalkan cermin mata anda di atas meja!
Two glasses of apple juice, please.
Tolong dua gelas jus epal.
He cannot see anything without his glasses.
Dia tidak dapat melihat apa-apa tanpa cermin mata.
Carrots are good for the eyes. Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses on?
Lobak merah baik untuk mata. Pernahkah anda melihat arnab berkaca mata?
I only wear glasses for reading.
Saya hanya memakai cermin mata untuk membaca.
She looks at the world through rose-colored glasses.
Dia melihat dunia melalui cermin mata berwarna mawar.
Where did I leave my glasses?
Di manakah saya meninggalkan cermin mata saya?
I'm looking for my glasses.
Saya sedang mencari cermin mata saya.
Tom can't see without his glasses.
Tom tidak dapat melihat tanpa cermin mata.
Let's raise our glasses for the master of the house!
Mari kita angkat cermin mata kita untuk tuan rumah!
I need my glasses.
Saya perlukan cermin mata saya.
Tom doesn't need glasses.
Tom tidak memerlukan cermin mata.
He filled the glasses with wine.
Dia mengisi gelas dengan wain.
I wear glasses only for reading.
Saya memakai cermin mata hanya untuk membaca.
I don't need glasses anymore.
Saya tidak perlukan cermin mata lagi.
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