Relief has been sent to the flood sufferers.
Bantuan telah dihantar kepada penghidap banjir.
Many lives were lost in the flood.
Banyak nyawa terkorban dalam banjir.
Three people are missing after the flood.
Tiga orang hilang selepas banjir.
The people were evacuated because of the flood.
Orang ramai dipindahkan kerana banjir.
The typhoon caused the river to flood.
Taufan itu menyebabkan sungai itu banjir.
He is being harassed by a flood of questions from his students.
Dia diganggu oleh banjir soalan daripada pelajarnya.
The flood parted them.
Banjir itu memisahkan mereka.
The flood prevented me from crossing the river.
Banjir menghalang saya daripada menyeberangi sungai.
The bridge gave way because of the flood.
Jambatan itu memberi laluan kerana banjir.
Three persons are missing with the flood.
Tiga orang hilang bersama banjir.
The flood did great damage to the crops.
Banjir itu menyebabkan kerosakan besar kepada tanaman.
The flood did a lot of damage to the village.
Banjir itu menyebabkan banyak kerosakan kepada kampung itu.
The flood did a lot of harm to the crops.
Banjir itu banyak mendatangkan kemudaratan kepada tanaman.
The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had.
Banjir adalah bencana terbesar yang pernah mereka alami.
Low-lying lands will flood. This means that people will be left homeless and their crops will be destroyed by the salt water.
Tanah rendah akan banjir. Ini bermakna orang ramai akan kehilangan tempat tinggal dan tanaman mereka akan dimusnahkan oleh air masin.
The bridge was washed away by the flood.
Jambatan itu dihanyutkan oleh banjir.
The people were evacuated because of the flood.
Orang ramai dipindahkan kerana banjir.
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