Evaporate (Menguap)
Translation into Malay
2. Cooling the indoor temperature: 100% evaporate, can reduce the indoor temp very quickly.
2. Menyejukkan suhu tertutup: 100% menguap, boleh mengurangkan suhu dalaman dengan cepat.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 You just soak it in the water, and then evaporate the water off.
Anda hanya rendam di dalam air, dan kemudian menguap air luar.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 Best Oil Extraction Project, Solvent Desolventizing, Miscella Evaporate, Exhaust Gas Recovery Manufacturer in China.
Projek Pengekstrakan Minyak Terbaik, Pelarut Desolventising, Miscella Evaporate, Produsen Pemulihan Gas Ekzos di China.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Hawking also discovered that black holes are not completely black but emit radiation and will likely eventually evaporate and disappear.
Hawking juga mendapati bahawa lubang hitam tidak sepenuhnya hitam tetapi memancarkan radiasi dan akhirnya akan hilang.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 However, evaporation is a surface phenomenon, in which only molecules located near the gas/liquid surface could evaporate.
Walau bagaimanapun, penyejatan hanyalah satu fenomena permukaan di mana hanya molekul yang berada pada permukaan cecair/gas yang boleh tersejat.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The cooling system is the type of spray, and quickly evaporate, it's just damp, will not have much water, so don't need the special collector for the cooling water.
Sistem penyejukan adalah jenis semburan, dan cepat menguap, ia hanya lembap, tidak akan mempunyai banyak air, jadi jangan memerlukan pengumpul khas untuk air penyejuk.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 If not enclosed, at room temperature some of the metallic mercury will evaporate and form mercury vapours.
Sekiranya tidak tertutup, pada suhu bilik beberapa merkuri logam akan menguap dan membentuk gas merkuri.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1