I once read a sweet poem about an empty pot... Unfortunately, I forgot it.
Saya pernah membaca puisi manis tentang periuk kosong... Malangnya, saya terlupa.
How many men does it take to replace an empty toilet roll? No one knows, it's never happened.
Berapa ramai lelaki yang diperlukan untuk menggantikan gulungan tandas kosong? Tiada siapa yang tahu, ia tidak pernah berlaku.
Life would be empty without you.
Hidup akan kosong tanpa anda.
Don't drink on an empty stomach.
Jangan minum semasa perut kosong.
Tom started to empty his pockets.
Tom mula mengosongkan poketnya.
The cistern is empty.
Tangki itu kosong.
Your head is empty.
Kepala awak kosong.
Remove your coat and empty your pockets.
Tanggalkan kot anda dan kosongkan poket anda.
Are there still some empty seats?
Adakah masih terdapat beberapa tempat duduk kosong?
I found her cat in an empty room.
Saya jumpa kucing dia dalam bilik kosong.
I found her cat in an empty room.
Saya jumpa kucing dia dalam bilik kosong.
Help me find an empty room for myself.
Bantu saya mencari bilik kosong untuk diri saya sendiri.
He doesn't remember whether that room was empty or not.
Dia tidak ingat sama ada bilik itu kosong atau tidak.
His car was empty.
Keretanya kosong.
Your room isn't empty any more.
Bilik awak tidak kosong lagi.
The streets were empty.
Jalan-jalan kosong.
All the boxes are empty.
Semua kotak kosong.
There's hella empty seats over there.
Ada hella tempat duduk kosong di sana.
The room is empty.
Bilik itu kosong.
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