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Translation meaning & definition of the word "ease" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "ease" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. Freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort

  • "He rose through the ranks with apparent ease"
  • "They put it into containers for ease of transportation"
  • "The very easiness of the deed held her back"
  • ease
  • ,
  • easiness
  • ,
  • simplicity
  • ,
  • simpleness

1. Kebebasan daripada kesukaran atau kesusahan atau usaha

  • "Dia naik pangkat dengan mudah"
  • "Mereka memasukkannya ke dalam bekas untuk memudahkan pengangkutan"
  • "Kemudahan perbuatan itu menghalangnya"
  • lehtësi
  • ,
  • kesederhanaan

2. A freedom from financial difficulty that promotes a comfortable state

  • "A life of luxury and ease"
  • "He had all the material comforts of this world"
  • ease
  • ,
  • comfort

2. Kebebasan daripada kesulitan kewangan yang menggalakkan keadaan selesa

  • "Kehidupan yang mewah dan mudah"
  • "Dia mempunyai semua keselesaan material dunia ini"
  • lehtësi
  • ,
  • keselesaan

3. The condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)

  • "He enjoyed his relief from responsibility"
  • "Getting it off his conscience gave him some ease"
  • relief
  • ,
  • ease

3. Keadaan selesa atau lega (terutama selepas lega daripada kesusahan)

  • "Dia menikmati kelegaan daripada tanggungjawabnya"
  • "Meninggalkan hati nuraninya memberinya sedikit kemudahan"
  • lehtësi

4. Freedom from constraint or embarrassment

  • "I am never at ease with strangers"
  • ease
  • ,
  • informality

4. Kebebasan daripada kekangan atau rasa malu

  • "Saya tidak pernah selesa dengan orang yang tidak dikenali"
  • lehtësi
  • ,
  • tidak formal

5. Freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)

  • "Took his repose by the swimming pool"
  • rest
  • ,
  • ease
  • ,
  • repose
  • ,
  • relaxation

5. Kebebasan daripada aktiviti (kerja atau ketegangan atau tanggungjawab)

  • "Berehat di tepi kolam renang"
  • rehat
  • ,
  • lehtësi
  • ,
  • kelonggaran


1. Move gently or carefully

  • "He eased himself into the chair"
  • ease

1. Bergerak perlahan-lahan atau berhati-hati

  • "Dia merendahkan dirinya ke kerusi"
  • lehtësi

2. Lessen pain or discomfort

  • Alleviate
  • "Ease the pain in your legs"
  • comfort
  • ,
  • ease

2. Kurangkan kesakitan atau ketidakselesaan

  • Zbut
  • "Tenangkan kesakitan di kaki anda"
  • keselesaan
  • ,
  • lehtësi

3. Make easier

  • "You could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"
  • facilitate
  • ,
  • ease
  • ,
  • alleviate

3. Buat lebih mudah

  • "Anda boleh memudahkan proses dengan berkongsi pengetahuan anda"
  • lehtësojnë
  • ,
  • lehtësi
  • ,
  • zbut

4. Lessen the intensity of or calm

  • "The news eased my conscience"
  • "Still the fears"
  • still
  • ,
  • allay
  • ,
  • relieve
  • ,
  • ease

4. Kurangkan keamatan atau ketenangan

  • "Berita itu meredakan hati nurani saya"
  • "Masih ketakutan"
  • masih
  • ,
  • lehtësoj
  • ,
  • melegakan
  • ,
  • lehtësi

Examples of using

"I consider this fair, since effort will get one farther in life than ease of understanding anyway." "Says the man that seems to have skated by through a majority of life on ease of understanding...?"
"Saya menganggap ini adil, kerana usaha akan menjadi lebih jauh dalam hidup daripada kemudahan pemahaman pula." "Kata lelaki yang nampaknya telah meluncur melalui sebahagian besar kehidupan dengan mudah memahami...?"
Tom tried to ease the tension.
Tom cuba meredakan ketegangan.
Tom is totally at ease.
Tom benar-benar tenang.