A definite advantage of automatic doors is that people can't spread their contagious diseases by touching door handles.
Kelebihan pasti pintu automatik ialah orang tidak boleh menyebarkan penyakit berjangkit mereka dengan menyentuh pemegang pintu.
Tom opened the door and looked inside.
Tom membuka pintu dan melihat ke dalam.
I forgot to lock the front door.
Saya terlupa untuk mengunci pintu depan.
Tom waited for Mary to unlock the door.
Tom menunggu Mary membuka kunci pintu.
Tom's cat is always waiting at the door when he arrives home.
Kucing Tom sentiasa menunggu di pintu apabila dia tiba di rumah.
Shut that door and be quick about it.
Tutup pintu itu dan cepatlah mengenainya.
You'll have to use the rear door while the house is being painted.
Anda perlu menggunakan pintu belakang semasa rumah sedang dicat.
Tom walked to the door and unlocked it.
Tom berjalan ke pintu dan membuka kuncinya.
Tom waited as Mary unlocked the door.
Tom menunggu ketika Mary membuka kunci pintu.
Tom stopped knocking on the door as soon as he realized Mary wasn't home.
Tom berhenti mengetuk pintu sebaik menyedari Mary tiada di rumah.
When Tom reached the front door, he noticed it was slightly open.
Apabila Tom sampai ke pintu depan, dia perasan pintu itu terbuka sedikit.
When she walked through the door, my heart began to beat faster.
Apabila dia berjalan melalui pintu, jantung saya mula berdegup kencang.
She opens the door.
Dia membuka pintu.
He opens the door.
Dia membuka pintu.
They open the door.
Mereka membuka pintu.
We open the door.
Kami membuka pintu.
You open the door.
Awak buka pintu.
Tom unlocked the door and opened it.
Tom membuka kunci pintu dan membukanya.
Tom broke the door window, reached inside, unlocked the door and got into the car.
Tom memecahkan tingkap pintu, mencapai ke dalam, membuka kunci pintu dan masuk ke dalam kereta.
Tom took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door.
Tom mengeluarkan kunci dari poketnya dan membuka kunci pintu.
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