Translation of "Discernment" into Malay
Discernment / Pemahaman
It’s clear we need the Holy Spirit’s discernment to make right judgments, so we should be connecting with Him before, during, and after!
Ia jelas kita perlu pengertian, Roh Kudus untuk membuat pertimbangan tepat, jadi kita harus menghubungkan dengan-Nya sebelum, semasa, dan selepas!
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Master's Degree in Vocational Discernment and Pastoral Care.
Ijazah Sarjana Vokasional Discernment dan Penjagaan Pastoral.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Executive successes are built upon an in depth understanding of financial strategies and an intuitive discernment for technological processes to support organizational objectives.
Kejayaan eksekutif dibina atas pemahaman yang mendalam mengenai strategi kewangan dan pengertian intuitif untuk proses teknologi untuk menyokong objektif organisasi.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The Institute offers a private Master's Degree in Vocational Discernment and Pastoral Care, in collaboration with the School of Formators at the San Ignacio Spirituality Center in Salamanca.
Institut menawarkan Ijazah Sarjana swasta Vokasional Discernment dan Pastoral Care, dengan kerjasama Sekolah Formators di Kerohanian Center San Ignacio di Salamanca.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1