Translation of "Dank" into Malay
Dank / Tenggelam
Because COPD develops slowly, it is frequently diagnosed in people aged 40 or older.
Oleh kerana COPD berkembang dengan perlahan, ia kebiasaannya didiagnosis ketika umur 40 tahun dank e atas.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The most prominent, Dank Vapes, was linked to 24 patients with lung illness, according to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine.
Yang paling menonjol, Dank Vapes, dikaitkan dengan 24 penyakit termasuk paru-paru, menurut kajian dari New England Journal of Medicine.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 This has received a lot of attention from Facebook users.
Resepi ini mendapat banyak perhatian dank omen dari pengguna Facebook.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1