Tom is running around with the wrong crowd.
Tom berlari-lari dengan orang ramai yang salah.
Wait until the crowd scatters.
Tunggu sehingga orang ramai berselerak.
The crowd filled the streets.
Orang ramai memenuhi jalanan.
Tom's speech quieted the crowd.
Ucapan Tom menenangkan orang ramai.
Tom plowed his way through the crowd.
Tom membajak jalannya melalui orang ramai.
Tom disappeared in the crowd.
Tom hilang dalam khalayak ramai.
The crowd grew rapidly.
Orang ramai berkembang pesat.
He quickly disappeared in the crowd.
Dia cepat hilang dalam khalayak ramai.
There was a larger crowd at the concert than we had anticipated.
Terdapat lebih ramai orang di konsert itu daripada yang kami jangkakan.
Two is a couple, three is a crowd.
Dua adalah pasangan, tiga adalah orang ramai.
The crowd assembled in front of the post office.
Orang ramai berkumpul di hadapan pejabat pos.
There is a crowd of women around Tom.
Terdapat sekumpulan wanita di sekeliling Tom.
Schooling is a process that taught a vast crowd of people to read but wasn't able to teach them to decide what is worth reading.
Persekolahan ialah proses yang mengajar orang ramai membaca tetapi tidak dapat mengajar mereka memutuskan perkara yang patut dibaca.
It is almost impossible to bear the torch of truth through a crowd without singeing somebody’s beard.
Hampir mustahil untuk memikul obor kebenaran melalui orang ramai tanpa menyanyikan janggut seseorang.
The people exited the stadium in a crowd.
Orang ramai keluar dari stadium dengan orang ramai.
The crowd yelled when he scored a goal.
Orang ramai menjerit apabila dia menjaringkan gol.
Stick with me until we get out of the crowd.
Tetap dengan saya sehingga kita keluar dari orang ramai.
I met him in the crowd.
Saya bertemu dengannya di khalayak ramai.
We lost sight of Jim in the crowd.
Kami kehilangan pandangan Jim di khalayak ramai.
They caught sight of the man among the crowd of people.
Mereka melihat lelaki itu di antara orang ramai.
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