Translation of "Constituent" into Malay
Constituent / Konstituen
Such groups or associations have not been founded by a constituent document and exist only as task groups.
Kumpulan atau persatuan seperti itu belum diasaskan oleh dokumen penyusun dan hanya wujud sebagai kumpulan tugas.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The constituent documents of which have been approved by the Bank.
Yang dokumen konstituennya telah diluluskan oleh Bank.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 These two constituent parts of fenfluramine are stereoisomers.
Kedua-dua bahagian konstituen fenfluramine adalah stereoisomer.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 When the transition element is an essential constituent in a gem material, the gem material is idiochromatic (idio = self, chroma = color).
Apabila unsur peralihan merupakan juzuk penting dalam bahan permata, bahan permata adalah idiochromatic (idio = diri, kroma = warna).
Data source: CCAligned_v1 1.3 Titanium Bar Grade&Chemical Constituent.
1.3 Titanium Bar Gred & Kimia Konstituen.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 C. Being the main constituent of acidic cleaners for households, industry dairies, we serve an important market segment in the cleaning agents.
C. menjadi juzuk utama daripada pembersih asid bagi isi rumah, industri tenusu, kami berkhidmat untuk segmen pasaran penting di agen-agen pembersihan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 The Constituent Assembly of India was elected to write the Constitution of India.
Majlis Perlembagaan India dipilih untuk menulis Perlembagaan India.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402