Translation of "Constantly" into Malay
Constantly / Secara berterusan
He claimed the commissioner constantly tortured his wife sexually.
Beliau mendakwa Pesuruhjaya sentiasa diseksa isterinya secara seksual.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 He constantly seems upset and irritable.
Dia sentiasa kelihatan kecewa dan marah.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 I was at the zoo with my children, and the phone was ringing constantly.
Saya berada di zoo dengan anak-anak saya, dan telefon tidak henti-henti berdering.
Data source: TED2020_v1 Both sides were fully aware of the mutual animosity that existed between each other and constantly felt threatened.
Kedua-dua pihak juga sedar sepenuhnya yang permusuhan bersama wujud antara satu sama lain dan sentiasa dirasakan terancam.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Constantly hungry - what causes hunger?
Sentiasa lapar - apa yang menyebabkan kelaparan?
Data source: CCAligned_v1 She constantly denies of her "geek phase" that she had before, instead constantly bashing her own pod's geeky moments.
Dia terus-menerus menyangkal "fase geek" yang dia miliki sebelumnya, sebaliknya terus-menerus mengalahkan momen geeky podnya sendiri.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 And so he began, amid constantly anxious sideways glances in his father's direction, to turn himself around as quickly as possible, although in truth this was only done very slowly.
Dan kerana itu dia bermula, di tengah-tengah pandangannya ke sisi ke arah bapanya yang sentiasa bimbang, menyerah diri secepat mungkin, walaupun dalam kebenaran ini hanya dilakukan dengan perlahan-lahan.
Data source: QED_v2.0a