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Translation meaning & definition of the word "consequence" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "akibat" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

  • "The magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise"
  • "His decision had depressing consequences for business"
  • "He acted very wise after the event"
  • consequence
  • ,
  • effect
  • ,
  • outcome
  • ,
  • result
  • ,
  • event
  • ,
  • issue
  • ,
  • upshot

1. Fenomena yang mengikuti dan disebabkan oleh beberapa fenomena sebelumnya

  • "Kesan magnet lebih besar apabila rod memanjang"
  • "Keputusannya mempunyai akibat yang menyedihkan untuk perniagaan"
  • "Dia bertindak sangat bijak selepas acara itu"
  • akibat
  • ,
  • kesan
  • ,
  • hasil
  • ,
  • acara
  • ,
  • isu

2. The outcome of an event especially as relative to an individual

  • consequence
  • ,
  • aftermath

2. Hasil sesuatu peristiwa terutamanya sebagai relatif kepada individu

  • akibat
  • ,
  • kesan

3. Having important effects or influence

  • "Decisions of great consequence are made by the president himself"
  • "Virtue is of more moment than security"
  • "That result is of no consequence"
  • consequence
  • ,
  • import
  • ,
  • moment

3. Mempunyai kesan atau pengaruh penting

  • "Keputusan akibat besar dibuat oleh presiden sendiri"
  • "Kebajikan adalah lebih seketika daripada keselamatan"
  • "Hasil itu tidak ada akibatnya"
  • akibat
  • ,
  • import
  • ,
  • sekejap

Examples of using

I think it is not the cause but the consequence.
Saya fikir ia bukan punca tetapi akibatnya.
As a consequence of overwork, he became ill.
Akibat terlalu banyak bekerja, dia jatuh sakit.
This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.
Jalan ini sebahagiannya musnah akibat gempa bumi.