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Translation meaning & definition of the word "conclusion" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "kesimpulan" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. A position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration

  • "A decision unfavorable to the opposition"
  • "His conclusion took the evidence into account"
  • "Satisfied with the panel's determination"
  • decision
  • ,
  • determination
  • ,
  • conclusion

1. Pendirian atau pendapat atau penghakiman yang dicapai selepas pertimbangan

  • "Keputusan yang tidak menguntungkan pembangkang"
  • "Kesimpulannya mengambil kira bukti"
  • "Berpuas hati dengan kesungguhan panel"
  • keputusan
  • ,
  • keazaman
  • ,
  • kesimpulan

2. An intuitive assumption

  • "Jump to a conclusion"
  • conclusion

2. Andaian intuitif

  • "Lompat ke kesimpulan"
  • kesimpulan

3. The temporal end

  • The concluding time
  • "The stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell"
  • "The market was up at the finish"
  • "They were playing better at the close of the season"
  • stopping point
  • ,
  • finale
  • ,
  • finis
  • ,
  • finish
  • ,
  • last
  • ,
  • conclusion
  • ,
  • close

3. Penghujung temporal

  • Masa penutup
  • "Titik perhentian setiap pusingan diisyaratkan oleh loceng"
  • "Pasaran telah tamat"
  • "Mereka bermain lebih baik pada penghujung musim"
  • titik perhentian
  • ,
  • akhir
  • ,
  • finis
  • ,
  • selesai
  • ,
  • terakhir
  • ,
  • kesimpulan
  • ,
  • tutup

4. Event whose occurrence ends something

  • "His death marked the ending of an era"
  • "When these final episodes are broadcast it will be the finish of the show"
  • ending
  • ,
  • conclusion
  • ,
  • finish

4. Peristiwa yang kejadiannya menamatkan sesuatu

  • "Kematiannya menandakan berakhirnya suatu era"
  • "Apabila episod akhir ini disiarkan ia akan menjadi penamat rancangan"
  • berakhir
  • ,
  • kesimpulan
  • ,
  • selesai

5. The proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism)

  • conclusion
  • ,
  • ratiocination

5. Proposisi dicapai dengan penaakulan logik (seperti proposisi yang mesti mengikuti dari premis major dan minor silogisme)

  • kesimpulan
  • ,
  • nisbah

6. The act of ending something

  • "The termination of the agreement"
  • termination
  • ,
  • ending
  • ,
  • conclusion

6. Perbuatan menamatkan sesuatu

  • "Penamatan perjanjian"
  • penamatan
  • ,
  • berakhir
  • ,
  • kesimpulan

7. A final settlement

  • "The conclusion of a business deal"
  • "The conclusion of the peace treaty"
  • conclusion

7. Penyelesaian akhir

  • "Kesimpulan perjanjian perniagaan"
  • "Kesimpulan perjanjian damai"
  • kesimpulan

8. The last section of a communication

  • "In conclusion i want to say..."
  • conclusion
  • ,
  • end
  • ,
  • close
  • ,
  • closing
  • ,
  • ending

8. Bahagian terakhir komunikasi

  • "Kesimpulannya saya nak cakap..."
  • kesimpulan
  • ,
  • tamat
  • ,
  • tutup
  • ,
  • penutupan
  • ,
  • berakhir

9. The act of making up your mind about something

  • "The burden of decision was his"
  • "He drew his conclusions quickly"
  • decision
  • ,
  • determination
  • ,
  • conclusion

9. Tindakan membuat keputusan tentang sesuatu

  • "Beban keputusan adalah miliknya"
  • "Dia membuat kesimpulannya dengan cepat"
  • keputusan
  • ,
  • keazaman
  • ,
  • kesimpulan

Examples of using

How do we draw this conclusion?
Bagaimanakah kita membuat kesimpulan ini?
In conclusion, the next step is to decide what we should do for the next step.
Kesimpulannya, langkah seterusnya ialah memutuskan apa yang perlu kita lakukan untuk langkah seterusnya.
We have come to the conclusion that this plan is not feasible currently.
Kami telah membuat kesimpulan bahawa rancangan ini tidak dapat dilaksanakan pada masa ini.