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Translation meaning & definition of the word "complicated" into Malay language

Makna terjemahan & definisi perkataan "rumit" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. Difficult to analyze or understand

  • "A complicated problem"
  • "Complicated middle east politics"
  • complicated

1. Sukar untuk dianalisis atau difahami

  • "Masalah yang rumit"
  • "Politik timur tengah yang rumit"
  • rumit

Examples of using

They say golf is like life, but don't believe them. Golf is more complicated than that.
Mereka mengatakan golf seperti kehidupan, tetapi tidak mempercayainya. Golf lebih rumit daripada itu.
The teacher warned us that the exam would probably be complicated.
Guru memberi amaran bahawa peperiksaan mungkin rumit.
My language is very complicated.
Bahasa saya sangat rumit.