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Translation meaning & definition of the word "character" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "watak" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. An imaginary person represented in a work of fiction (play or film or story)

  • "She is the main character in the novel"
  • fictional character
  • ,
  • fictitious character
  • ,
  • character

1. Orang khayalan yang diwakili dalam karya fiksyen (lakonan atau filem atau cerita)

  • "Dia adalah watak utama dalam novel"
  • watak fiksyen
  • ,
  • watak rekaan
  • ,
  • watak

2. A characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something

  • "Each town has a quality all its own"
  • "The radical character of our demands"
  • quality
  • ,
  • character
  • ,
  • lineament

2. Sifat ciri yang mentakrifkan sifat individu yang jelas sesuatu

  • "Setiap bandar mempunyai kualiti tersendiri"
  • "Watak radikal tuntutan kami"
  • kualiti
  • ,
  • watak
  • ,
  • keturunan

3. The inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions

  • "Education has for its object the formation of character"- herbert spencer
  • character
  • ,
  • fiber
  • ,
  • fibre

3. Kompleks sifat yang wujud yang menentukan tindakan dan reaksi moral dan etika seseorang

  • "Pendidikan mempunyai tujuan pembentukan watak"- herbert spencer
  • watak
  • ,
  • serat

4. An actor's portrayal of someone in a play

  • "She played the part of desdemona"
  • character
  • ,
  • role
  • ,
  • theatrical role
  • ,
  • part
  • ,
  • persona

4. Penggambaran seorang pelakon tentang seseorang dalam drama

  • "Dia memainkan peranan desdemona"
  • watak
  • ,
  • peranan
  • ,
  • peranan teater
  • ,
  • bahagian
  • ,
  • persona

5. A person of a specified kind (usually with many eccentricities)

  • "A real character"
  • "A strange character"
  • "A friendly eccentric"
  • "The capable type"
  • "A mental case"
  • character
  • ,
  • eccentric
  • ,
  • type
  • ,
  • case

5. Seseorang daripada jenis tertentu (biasanya mempunyai banyak kesipian)

  • "Watak sebenar"
  • "Watak pelik"
  • "Sipi yang mesra"
  • "Jenis yang berkebolehan"
  • "Kes mental"
  • watak
  • ,
  • sipi
  • ,
  • jenis
  • ,
  • kes

6. Good repute

  • "He is a man of character"
  • character

6. Reputasi baik

  • "Dia seorang yang berperwatakan"
  • watak

7. A formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability

  • "Requests for character references are all too often answered evasively"
  • character
  • ,
  • reference
  • ,
  • character reference

7. Syor rasmi oleh bekas majikan kepada bakal majikan masa depan yang menerangkan kelayakan dan kebolehpercayaan seseorang

  • "Permintaan untuk rujukan watak terlalu kerap dijawab secara mengelak"
  • watak
  • ,
  • rujukan
  • ,
  • rujukan watak

8. A written symbol that is used to represent speech

  • "The greek alphabet has 24 characters"
  • character
  • ,
  • grapheme
  • ,
  • graphic symbol

8. Simbol bertulis yang digunakan untuk mewakili ucapan

  • "Abjad yunani mempunyai 24 aksara"
  • watak
  • ,
  • grafem
  • ,
  • simbol grafik

9. (genetics) an attribute (structural or functional) that is determined by a gene or group of genes

  • character

9. (genetik) atribut (struktur atau berfungsi) yang ditentukan oleh gen atau kumpulan gen

  • watak


1. Engrave or inscribe characters on

  • character

1. Ukir atau tulis aksara pada

  • watak

Examples of using

His character evened out.
Perwatakannya sekata.
A witty man is only worth something if he has character.
Lelaki yang cerdik hanya bernilai jika dia mempunyai perwatakan.
Come on, how often do you think a fictitious character needs to change clothes?
Ayuh, berapa kerapkah anda fikir watak rekaan perlu menukar pakaian?