I can almost touch the ceiling.
Saya hampir boleh menyentuh siling.
Bend down. The ceiling is very low.
Bongkok. Silingnya sangat rendah.
I've been painting the ceiling.
Saya telah mengecat siling.
I've painted the ceiling.
Saya telah mengecat siling.
Every wall of his apartment is covered from floor to ceiling with books.
Setiap dinding apartmennya ditutup dari lantai ke siling dengan buku.
She looked up at the ceiling.
Dia mendongak ke siling.
There is a lamp on the ceiling.
Terdapat lampu di siling.
There's a big fly on the ceiling.
Ada lalat besar di siling.
I saw a fly on the ceiling.
Saya melihat lalat di siling.
There was beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.
Terdapat candelier cantik tergantung di siling.
He painted the ceiling blue.
Dia mengecat siling dengan warna biru.
He is such a tall man that he can touch the ceiling.
Dia seorang yang tinggi sehingga boleh menyentuh siling.
I saw a spider walking on the ceiling.
Saya melihat seekor labah-labah berjalan di atas siling.
A fly can walk on the ceiling.
Seekor lalat boleh berjalan di atas siling.
If you don't have anything to do, look at the ceiling of your room.
Jika anda tidak mempunyai apa-apa untuk dilakukan, lihat siling bilik anda.
I saw a spider walking on the ceiling.
Saya melihat seekor labah-labah berjalan di atas siling.
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