A study has shown that dairy cattle can increase their milk production by up to three percent after having soothing music played to them for twelve hours per day over a nine-week period.
Satu kajian telah menunjukkan bahawa lembu tenusu boleh meningkatkan pengeluaran susu mereka sehingga tiga peratus selepas muzik yang menenangkan dimainkan kepada mereka selama dua belas jam sehari dalam tempoh sembilan minggu.
The dogs help herd the cattle.
Anjing-anjing itu membantu mengembala lembu.
You see, I've got only these two castles, one hundred hectares of land, six cars, four hundreds heads of cattle and twenty racer horses...
Anda lihat, saya hanya mempunyai dua istana ini, seratus hektar tanah, enam kereta, empat ratus ekor lembu dan dua puluh kuda pelumba...
My father has a ranch and breeds cattle and horses.
Ayah saya mempunyai ladang dan menternak lembu dan kuda.
Because of the famine, the cattle starved to death.
Kerana kebuluran, lembu mati kelaparan.
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