Translation of "Calf" into Malay
Calf / Anak lembu
- baby animal
- young bovine
- young cow
Home > Products > Strength Training Equipment > Discovery Series Strength Machine > Gym Club Workout Equipment Seated Calf Raise.
Home > Produk-produk > Peralatan Latihan Kekuatan > Mesin Kekuatan Siri Penemuan > Peralatan Peralatan Latihan Kelab Gim Duduk Calf Raise.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Description: Latest Workout Machine, Seated Calf Raise, Best Calf Machine.
Penerangan: Mesin Latihan terkini, Duduk Calf Raise, Mesin Anak Lembu Terbaik.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Gym Calf Extension - manufacturer, factory, supplier from China.
Gym Calf Extension - pengeluar, kilang, pembekal dari China.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Engaging in strength training, specifically toe exercises that build calf muscles.
Melibatkan latihan kekuatan, khususnya latihan kaki yang membina otot betis.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 In 2007, a calf in India's West Bengal region was filmed eating chickens.
Sebelum ini Pada tahun 2007, seekor anak lembu telah difilemkan memakan ayam di wilayah Bengal Barat India.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Win IG6 Colostrum is collected within the first 6 hours upon the birth of the calf.
ELG6 Colostrum dikumpulkan dalam masa 6 jam pertama selepas kelahiran anak lembu.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Calcaneovalgus (excessive bowing of the calf bone).
Calcaneovalgus (pembengkokan tulang betis yang berlebihan).
Data source: CCMatrix_v1