In the end, Tom had to bite the bullet and take responsibility for his actions.
Akhirnya, Tom terpaksa menggigit peluru dan bertanggungjawab atas tindakannya.
Tom had to bite the bullet.
Tom terpaksa menggigit peluru.
The bullet lodged in Tom's lung.
Peluru itu bersarang di paru-paru Tom.
The pistol bullet pierced his leg.
Peluru pistol itu menembusi kakinya.
Tom was killed by a stray bullet.
Tom terbunuh oleh peluru sesat.
A new kind of bullet had been invented.
Peluru jenis baru telah dicipta.
Doctors were afraid to remove the bullet.
Doktor takut untuk mengeluarkan peluru itu.
Once, when I went to my friend Kawai's house, he fired a pistol. He thought it was not loaded and pointed it at my mouth, but it was and the bullet grazed my ear before hitting the closet.
Suatu ketika, ketika saya pergi ke rumah kawan saya Kawai, dia melepaskan pistol. Dia fikir ia tidak dimuatkan dan mengacukannya ke mulut saya, tetapi ia dan peluru itu meragut telinga saya sebelum mengenai almari.
The bullet just shaved his cheek.
Peluru itu hanya mencukur pipinya.
The bullet penetrated his chest, leaving him in critical condition.
Peluru itu menembusi dadanya, menyebabkan dia dalam keadaan kritikal.
He was wounded by a bullet.
Dia cedera terkena peluru.
He was killed by a single bullet.
Dia terbunuh oleh satu peluru.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a man of peace, was killed by an assassin's bullet.
Martin Luther King, Jr., seorang lelaki yang aman, telah dibunuh oleh peluru pembunuh.