Translation of "Branch" into Malay
Branch / Cawangan
Tam, a pediatric infectious disease specialist, has held a number of leadership positions at PHAC such as Assistant Deputy Minister of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Branch.
Tam, seorang pakar penyakit berjangkit pediatrik, memegang beberapa jawatan kepemimpinan di PHAC seperti Penolong Timbalan Menteri Cawangan Pencegahan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Berjangkit.
Data source: ELRC-3088-wikipedia_health_v1 Implementing Branch Cache for branch offices.
Melaksanakan Cache Branch untuk pejabat cawangan.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 It also established its US branch under the name NHN USA.
Ia juga menubuhkan cawangan Amerika Syarikat dengan nama NHN USA.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 So we hit the Jayton branch first, then Coleman, right?
Kita rompak cawangan Jayton dulu, kemudian Coleman, kan?
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 She could see the tops of trees above the wall, and when she stood still she saw a bird with a bright red breast sitting on the topmost branch of one of them, and suddenly he burst into his winter songalmost as if he had caught sight of her and was calling to her.
Dia dapat melihat puncak pokok di atas dinding, dan apabila dia berdiri masih dia melihat burung dengan dada yang berwarna merah terang yang duduk di atas dahan yang paling atas salah seorang daripada mereka, dan tiba-tiba dia pecah ke dalam lagu musim sejuk beliau - seolah-olah dia telah ditangkap melihat dia dan memanggil kepadanya.
Data source: QED_v2.0a It was a top-secret branch of Starfleet designated Section 31.
Ia cawangan rahsia Starfleet di bawah Seksyen 31.
Data source: OpenSubtitles_v2018 The government has three interdependent branches: the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch.
Pemerintah mempunyai tiga cabang yang saling bergantung: cabang legislatif, cabang eksekutif, dan cabang kehakiman.
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402