Translation of "Braces" into Malay
Braces / pendakap gigi
Adjustable knee braces with aluminum bar.
Pendakap lutut laras dengan bar aluminium.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Select the text in the matching braces.
Pilih teks dalam pengikat yang sepadan.
Data source: GNOME_v1 Customed braces for shoulder joint recovery.
Pendakap khas untuk pemulihan sendi bahu.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Ceramic braces work similarly to traditional or metal braces, but have tooth-coloured or clear brackets to replace metal ones.
Pendakap gigi seramik bekerja sama dengan pendakap tradisional atau logam, tetapi mempunyai kurungan berwarna atau jelas untuk menggantikan logam.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Braces are usually placed on the front side of the teeth, but may also be placed on the side facing the tongue (called lingual braces).
Pendakap gigi biasanya dipasang di bahagian depan gigi, tetapi juga boleh diletakkan di sisi menghadap lidah (dipanggil pendakap lingual).
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 Medical devices orthopedic braces supports.
Alat pendawaian ortopedik alat perubatan menyokong.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 People with allergic reactions into the nickel in metal typically opt for titanium braces, but They are really more expensive than stainless-steel braces.
Mereka yang mempunyai alahan kepada nikel dalam keluli sering memilih pendakap titanium, tetapi mereka lebih mahal daripada pendakap keluli tahan karat.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1