My whole body is black and blue.
Seluruh badan saya hitam dan biru.
The great blue whale is the largest animal to have ever existed.
Paus biru yang hebat adalah haiwan terbesar yang pernah wujud.
Write your answer into the following blue field.
Tulis jawapan anda ke dalam medan biru berikut.
Their flag is blue and gold.
Bendera mereka berwarna biru dan emas.
The car is blue.
Kereta itu berwarna biru.
It was dark blue.
Ia berwarna biru tua.
I have blue eyes.
Saya mempunyai mata biru.
The sea is blue.
Laut berwarna biru.
Don't touch that blue button.
Jangan sentuh butang biru itu.
She created a scandal out of the blue.
Dia mencipta skandal secara tiba-tiba.
Her dress is blue with white spots.
Pakaiannya berwarna biru dengan bintik-bintik putih.
He has large blue eyes.
Dia mempunyai mata biru yang besar.
That cat really was blue.
Kucing itu benar-benar biru.
The girl in the blue coat is my daughter.
Gadis berkot biru itu adalah anak perempuan saya.
Her bicycle is blue.
Basikal dia berwarna biru.
The car is blue.
Kereta itu berwarna biru.
Cats that are completely white with blue eyes are always, or nearly always, deaf.
Kucing yang putih sepenuhnya dengan mata biru sentiasa, atau hampir selalu, pekak.
He's a blue blood.
Dia berdarah biru.
Others thought of the blue cross.
Yang lain memikirkan salib biru.
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