Blue (Biru)
Translation into Malay
The 17th Academy Awards marked the first time the complete awards ceremony was broadcast nationally, on the Blue Network (ABC Radio).
Anugerah Akademi ke-17 menandakan kali pertama upacara penghargaan lengkap disiarkan secara nasional, di Blue Network (ABC Radio).
Data source: wikimedia_v20210402 The Blue Mountains International Hotel Management.
Blue Mountains Antarabangsa Pengurusan Hotel.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 Blue Dog Guesthouse Official Site.
Laman Rasmi Blue Dog Guesthouse Asrama.
Data source: XLEnt_v1.2 Blue flowers, petals, blue petals, flowers, blue, background.
Biru bunga, kelopak bunga, biru kelopak, bunga, biru, latar belakang.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Reading palette file '%s': Missing BLUE component in line %d.
Pembacaan fail palet '%s': Kehilangan komponen BIRU dalam baris %d.
Data source: Ubuntu_v14.10 Best time to visit the Blue Mountains.
Masa terbaik melawat Bukit Blue.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 The feComponentTransfer filter primitive manipulates the input's color components (red, green, blue, and alpha) according to particular transfer functions, allowing operations like brightness and contrast adjustment, color balance, and thresholding.
Primitif penapis feComponentTransfer manipulasikan komponen warna input (merah, hijau, biru dan alfa) berdasarkan fungsi pemindahan tertentu, membolehkan operasi seperti pelarasan kecerahan dan beza jelas, imbangan warna, dan pengambangan.
Data source: Ubuntu_v14.10