Translation of "Bidirectional" into Malay
Bidirectional / Dua arah
- mutual
- double-sided
- dual-directional
- reciprocating
- two-way
WG to USB (virtual serial port), bidirectional conversion WG<->USB serial port.
WG untuk USB (port siri maya), penukaran dwiarah WG<->USB port bersiri. Data source: CCAligned_v1
It is a flexible tube made of rubber or plastic, and it has bidirectional potential.
Ia adalah tiub fleksibel yang diperbuat samada daripada getah atau plastik, dan ia mempunyai potensi dwi-arah.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Unlike the old USB port, power can only be transmitted in one direction, and the power transmission of the USB-C port is bidirectional, which means that it can have two types of transmit power mode.
Tidak seperti port USB yang lebih lama, kuasa hanya boleh dihantar dalam satu arah, dan penghantaran kuasa port USB-C adalah dua hala, yang bermaksud ia boleh mempunyai dua jenis kuasa penghantaran.
Data source: CCMatrix_v1 Charger Module, Bidirectional Power modul - Infypower.
Pengecas Modul, Dua Arah Power modul - Infypower.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Use bidirectional text, Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text, Format punctuation, Create links for websites and email addresses, Create bulleted and numbered lists, Use paragraph styles, Adjust character spacing and formatting, Change the look of text, Copy and paste text, Add text.
Gunakan teks dwiarah, Formatkan teks bahasa Cina, Jepun atau Korea, Format tanda baca, Cipta pautan ke tapak web dan alamat e-mel, Cipta senarai berbulet dan bernombor, Gunakan gaya perenggan, Laraskan jarak dan pemformatan aksara, Tukar rupa teks, Salin dan tampal teks, Tambah teks.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 15KW@750V Bidirectional AC2DC Converter BEG75025.
15KW @ 750V Dua Arah AC2DC Wang BEG75025.
Data source: CCAligned_v1 Format Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text, Use bidirectional text, Set a default text box for a presentation, Add comments and highlight text, Find and replace text, Check spelling, Add color or a border to a text box, Format punctuation, Adjust character spacing and formatting, Format lists.
Formatkan teks bahasa Cina, Jepun atau Korea, Gunakan teks dwiarah, Setkan kotak teks lalai untuk persembahan, Tambah komen dan serlahkan teks, Cari dan gantikan teks, Semak ejaan, Tambah warna atau jidar pada kotak teks, Format tanda baca, Laraskan jarak dan pemformatan aksara, Formatkan senarai.
Data source: CCAligned_v1