I rolled out of bed last night.
Saya berguling dari katil malam tadi.
Tom's life with Mary was no bed of roses.
Kehidupan Tom bersama Mary bukanlah hamparan bunga mawar.
Tom tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep.
Tom melambung dan menoleh di atas katil, tidak dapat tidur.
Tom lay awake in bed, listening to the rain.
Tom berbaring terjaga di atas katil, mendengar hujan.
I have to put the kids to bed.
Saya perlu menidurkan anak-anak.
He sat down on the bed.
Dia duduk di atas katil.
I was tired, so I went to bed early.
Saya penat, jadi saya tidur awal.
I went to bed early because I was tired.
Saya tidur awal kerana saya letih.
I sat next to his bed for more than two hours.
Saya duduk di sebelah katilnya selama lebih daripada dua jam.
The earlier I go to bed, the earlier I get up.
Lebih awal saya tidur, lebih awal saya bangun.
She went to bed late last night.
Dia tidur lewat malam tadi.
He died in his bed.
Dia mati di atas katilnya.
Tom is lying in bed with a cold.
Tom berbaring di atas katil dengan selsema.
The table and the bed stood in their former places.
Meja dan katil berdiri di tempat lama mereka.
Tom usually wakes up at about six-thirty, but he doesn't usually get out of bed until seven.
Tom biasanya bangun kira-kira pukul enam tiga puluh, tetapi dia biasanya tidak bangun dari katil sehingga pukul tujuh.
My father hinted that it was time to go to bed.
Ayah saya membayangkan bahawa sudah tiba masanya untuk tidur.
I would like to book a room with a double bed.
Saya ingin menempah bilik dengan katil double.
I go to bed.
Saya pergi tidur.
Tatoeba is sick right now. She should stay in bed.
Tatoeba sedang sakit sekarang. Dia sepatutnya tinggal di atas katil.
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