Here’s my flag for Nynorsk. Because the philosophy of Nynorsk is based on the maximum divergence from Danish, Danish background of the flag is to be replaced with Icelandic, because Icelandic served as inspiration for the language creators. The flag is not rectangular in form, because... Well, that Nynorsk is strange after all.
Inilah bendera saya untuk Nynorsk. Oleh kerana falsafah Nynorsk adalah berdasarkan perbezaan maksimum daripada bahasa Denmark, latar belakang bendera Denmark akan digantikan dengan bahasa Iceland, kerana bahasa Iceland menjadi inspirasi bagi pencipta bahasa. Bendera itu tidak berbentuk segi empat tepat, kerana... Nah, Nynorsk itu pelik.
His poor educational background was not a bar to his advancement.
Latar belakang pendidikannya yang lemah bukanlah penghalang kepada kemajuannya.
Paint the trees against the background of the blue sky.
Cat pokok dengan latar belakang langit biru.
He is always in the background.
Dia sentiasa berada di latar belakang.
There is a castle in the background of the picture.
Terdapat sebuah istana di latar belakang gambar.
Pay will be based on experience and educational background.
Bayaran akan berdasarkan pengalaman dan latar belakang pendidikan.
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