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Translation meaning & definition of the word "acme" into Malay language

Terjemahan makna & definisi perkataan "acme" ke dalam bahasa Melayu





1. The highest level or degree attainable

  • The highest stage of development
  • "His landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"
  • "The artist's gifts are at their acme"
  • "At the height of her career"
  • "The peak of perfection"
  • "Summer was at its peak"
  • "...catapulted einstein to the pinnacle of fame"
  • "The summit of his ambition"
  • "So many highest superlatives achieved by man"
  • "At the top of his profession"
  • acme
  • ,
  • height
  • ,
  • elevation
  • ,
  • peak
  • ,
  • pinnacle
  • ,
  • summit
  • ,
  • superlative
  • ,
  • meridian
  • ,
  • tiptop
  • ,
  • top

1. Tahap atau ijazah tertinggi yang boleh dicapai

  • Peringkat tertinggi pembangunan
  • "Landskapnya dianggap sebagai puncak keindahan"
  • "Hadiah artis ada pada acme mereka"
  • "Pada kemuncak kerjayanya"
  • "Puncak kesempurnaan"
  • "Musim panas berada di kemuncaknya"
  • "...melontarkan einstein ke puncak kemasyhuran"
  • "Puncak cita-citanya"
  • "Begitu banyak superlatif tertinggi yang dicapai oleh manusia"
  • "Di puncak profesionnya"
  • acme
  • ,
  • ketinggian
  • ,
  • puncak
  • ,
  • sidang kemuncak
  • ,
  • superlatif
  • ,
  • meridian
  • ,
  • tiptop
  • ,
  • atas

2. The highest point (of something)

  • "At the peak of the pyramid"
  • vertex
  • ,
  • peak
  • ,
  • apex
  • ,
  • acme

2. Titik tertinggi (sesuatu)

  • "Di puncak piramid"
  • puncak
  • ,
  • acme