Tom accused Mary of stealing.
Tom menuduh Mary mencuri.
Tom was accused of selling weapons to a terrorist group.
Tom dituduh menjual senjata kepada kumpulan pengganas.
Tom was accused of collaborating with the enemy.
Tom dituduh bekerjasama dengan musuh.
Tom accused Mary of stealing.
Tom menuduh Mary mencuri.
Tom accused Mary of being pig-headed.
Tom menuduh Mary berkepala babi.
What am I being accused of?
Apa yang saya dituduh?
The granddaughter of German painter Otto Dix accused Germany of never really having addressed the issue of works of art seized by the Nazis.
Cucu kepada pelukis Jerman Otto Dix menuduh Jerman tidak pernah benar-benar menangani isu karya seni yang dirampas oleh Nazi.
The accused tried to justify his actions.
Tertuduh cuba mewajarkan tindakannya.
The accused was sentenced to death.
Tertuduh dijatuhkan hukuman mati.
The accused was found not guilty.
Tertuduh didapati tidak bersalah.
She accused him of being late.
Dia menuduhnya lewat.
She accused her son of wasting his life.
Dia menuduh anaknya mensia-siakan hidupnya.
She accused me of making a mistake.
Dia menuduh saya melakukan kesilapan.
She accused me of stealing her money.
Dia menuduh saya mencuri wangnya.
She accused me of telling a lie.
Dia menuduh saya bercakap bohong.
He's being accused of kidnapping.
Dia dituduh menculik.
He was accused of squandering public funds.
Dia dituduh mensia-siakan dana awam.
She was accused of telling a lie.
Dia dituduh bercakap bohong.
He is accused of kidnapping.
Dia dituduh menculik.
He accused me of having stolen his watch.
Dia menuduh saya telah mencuri jam tangannya.
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