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Translation meaning & definition of the word "window" into Latvian language

Vārda "logs" nozīme un definīcija latviešu valodā





1. A framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air

  • window

1. Koka vai metāla satvars, kas satur stikla logu rūti un ir iebūvēts sienā vai jumtā, lai atpazītu gaismu vai gaisu

  • logs

2. A transparent opening in a vehicle that allow vision out of the sides or back

  • Usually is capable of being opened
  • window

2. Caurspīdīga atvere transportlīdzeklī, kas ļauj redzēt no sāniem vai atpakaļ

  • Parasti var atvērt
  • logs

3. A transparent panel (as of an envelope) inserted in an otherwise opaque material

  • window

3. Caurspīdīgs panelis ( no aploksnes ), kas ievietots citādi necaurspīdīgā materiālā

  • logs

4. An opening that resembles a window in appearance or function

  • "He could see them through a window in the trees"
  • window

4. Atvere, kas pēc izskata vai funkcijas atgādina logu

  • "Viņš tos varēja redzēt pa logu kokos"
  • logs

5. The time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something

  • "The expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves"
  • "They had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded"
  • window

5. Laika posms, kas vislabāk tiek uzskatīts par kaut ko uzsākšanu vai pabeigšanu

  • "Paplašinātais logs dos mums laiku noķert zagļus"
  • "Viņiem bija logs mazāk nekā stundu, kad uzbrukums būtu izdevies"
  • logs

6. A pane of glass in a window

  • "The ball shattered the window"
  • windowpane
  • ,
  • window

6. Stikla rūts logā

  • "Bumba sadragāja logu"
  • logu pane
  • ,
  • logs

7. An opening in a wall or screen that admits light and air and through which customers can be served

  • "He stuck his head in the window"
  • window

7. Atvere sienā vai ekrānā, kas atzīst gaismu un gaisu un caur kuru var apkalpot klientus

  • "Viņš iestrēdzis galvu logā"
  • logs

8. (computer science) a rectangular part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen

  • window

8. ( datoru zinātne ) datora ekrāna taisnstūrveida daļa, kurā ir displejs, kas atšķiras no pārējā ekrāna

  • logs

Examples of using

Go away from the window.
Ej prom no loga.
Tom confessed that he had broken the window.
Toms atzinās, ka ir salauzis logu.
Don't put your hand out the window.
Neizlieciet roku pa logu.