She's quite wealthy.
Viņa ir diezgan turīga.
This woman gives the impression of being wealthy.
Šī sieviete rada iespaidu, ka ir bagāta.
He appears to be wealthy, with the numerous houses he has.
Šķiet, ka viņš ir bagāts ar daudzajām mājām, kas viņam ir.
Tom found out that Mary was wealthy.
Toms uzzināja, ka Marija ir bagāta.
She is a wealthy woman.
Viņa ir turīga sieviete.
He looks wealthy, but actually he's not.
Viņš izskatās bagāts, bet patiesībā viņš nav.
He made his son a wealthy man.
Viņš padarīja savu dēlu par bagātu cilvēku.
Though he is wealthy he is not happy.
Lai gan viņš ir bagāts, viņš nav laimīgs.
During the Depression in the 100's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.
Depresijas laikā 100. gados daudzi turīgi cilvēki zaudēja visu akciju tirgus sabrukumā.
During the Depression in the 1930's, many wealthy people lost everything in the stock market crash.
Depresijas laikā 1930. gados daudzi turīgi cilvēki zaudēja visu akciju tirgus sabrukumā.
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