And to those who thought they had defeated me, I reply to you with my victory.
Un tiem, kas domāja, ka ir mani uzvarējuši, es jums atbildu ar savu uzvaru.
As is known, the first to give in is smarter. It's easier for an adult man than a teenager to do it. The victory over your own child won't embellish you.
Kā zināms, pirmais, kas piekāpjas, ir gudrāks. Pieaugušam vīrietim, nevis pusaudzim, to ir vieglāk izdarīt. Uzvara pār savu bērnu tevi neizgreznos.
We need a victory.
Mums ir vajadzīga uzvara.
The people hailed the victory.
Tauta apsveica uzvaru.
It was a great victory for Jackson.
Džeksonam tā bija lieliska uzvara.
It was not a complete victory.
Tā nebija pilnīga uzvara.
The victory is ours.
Uzvara ir mūsu.
Because of the victory, he became a hero.
Uzvaras dēļ viņš kļuva par varoni.
We have no expectations of victory.
Uzvaru mums nav nekādu cerību.
Girls, you did terrifically. You've truly earned this victory.
Meitenes, jums gāja šausmīgi. Jūs patiešām esat nopelnījis šo uzvaru.
This is your victory.
Tā ir tava uzvara.
Both victory and defeat are but an everyday occurrence to a soldier.
Gan uzvara, gan sakāve karavīram ir tikai ikdiena.
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.
Daudz labāk ir uzdrīkstēties varenām lietām, izcīnīt krāšņus triumfus, kaut arī neveiksmes rūtaini, nekā ierindoties pie tiem nabaga gariem, kuri nebauda, ne daudz cieš, jo dzīvo pelēkajā krēslā, kas nezina ne uzvaru, ne sakāvi.
Relying on strength alone cannot guarantee victory.