Men aren't usually as interested in figure skating as women are.
Vīriešus daiļslidošana parasti neinteresē tik ļoti kā sievietes.
Control freaks usually make people around them very unhappy.
Kontroles ķēmi parasti padara apkārtējos cilvēkus ļoti nelaimīgus.
Elephants usually only sleep two or three hours a day.
Ziloņi parasti guļ tikai divas vai trīs stundas dienā.
A tic-tac-toe match is usually quick.
Tik-tac-toe spēle parasti ir ātra.
Tom can't hold his drink and is usually legless after two or three.
Toms nevar turēt dzērienu un parasti pēc diviem vai trim ir bez kājām.
Who usually sits in the dunce's seat?
Kurš parasti sēž dunces sēdeklī?
Who usually sits on the bench of disgrace?
Kurš parasti sēž uz apkaunojuma sola?
Who usually sits on the dunce's seat?
Kurš parasti sēž uz dunces sēdekļa?
People usually wear black after someone has died.
Cilvēki parasti valkā melnu pēc kāda nāves.
Tom usually wakes up at about six-thirty, but he doesn't usually get out of bed until seven.
Toms parasti pamostas apmēram sešos trīsdesmit gados, bet parasti viņš pie gultas izkāpj tikai septiņos.
Tom usually plays a good game of tennis, but he's not in good form today.
Toms parasti spēlē labu tenisa spēli, taču šodien viņš nav labā formā.
Tom usually walks home from work.
Toms parasti iet mājās no darba.
Tom usually gets what I want.
Toms parasti saņem to, ko es gribu.
Men usually hang all things on the floor.
Vīrieši parasti visas lietas karājas uz grīdas.
I usually go to cinema with my friends.
Es parasti eju uz kino ar draugiem.
What time do you usually bathe the baby?
Cikos jūs parasti mazgājat bērnu?
We usually speak to each other in French.
Mēs parasti runājam viens ar otru franču valodā.
Success usually requires hard work.
Panākumi parasti prasa smagu darbu.
Does he usually work late?
Vai viņš parasti strādā vēlu?
The truly wise people usually lack the obsession.
Patiesi gudrajiem cilvēkiem parasti trūkst apsēstības.
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