Don't throw the soup away, the grandfather will eat it up!
Nemetiet zupu, vectēvs to apēdīs!
Please don't throw the bottle out the window.
Lūdzu, neizmetiet pudeli pa logu.
When Mary finds out about it she'll throw a fit.
Kad Marija par to uzzinās, viņa iemetīs lēkmi.
Don't throw anything away.
Neko neizmet.
You mustn't throw litter in the street.
Tu nedrīksti mest metienus uz ielas.
I once had a teacher who used to throw chalk at inattentive students and those very students then had to bring it back to him.
Reiz man bija skolotājs, kurš mēdza mest krītu neuzmanīgiem skolēniem, un tieši tiem skolēniem tas bija jāatnes viņam.
If the spaghetti sticks when you throw it against the wall, it's done.
Ja spageti pielīp, kad to metat pret sienu, tas ir izdarīts.
I will never throw away my Playstation.
Es nekad neizmetīšu savu Playstation.
Do not throw or drop the console or accessories, or expose them to strong physical shock.
Nemetiet un nenometiet konsoli vai piederumus, kā arī nepakļaujiet tos spēcīgam fiziskam šokam.
Tom asked Mary to throw the rotten apple into the garbage.
Toms lūdza Mariju iemest sapuvušo ābolu atkritumos.
Crush the can before you throw it away.
Sasmalciniet kannu, pirms to izmetat.
We can't really throw it away!
Mēs to īsti nevaram izmest!
Don't throw rocks into the river.
Nemetiet akmeņus upē.
Don't throw anything onto the floor.
Neko nemetiet uz grīdas.
But so that we may not cause offense, go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and give it to them for my tax and yours.
Bet, lai mēs neizraisītu aizvainojumu, dodieties uz ezeru un izmetiet savu līniju. Paņemiet pirmo nozvejoto zivi; atveriet tās muti, un jūs atradīsiet četru drachmu monētu. Paņemiet to un iedodiet viņiem par manu un jūsu nodokli.
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