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IPA : /stupɪdɪti/
Human's stupidity doesn't know any limits.
Cilvēka stulbums nezina nekādas robežas.
The sum of the ignorance of the Republican candidates in the primaries for the U.S. presidential election is simply mind-boggling: one is afraid that China will obtain nuclear weapons, which they have had for 100 years, and the other proposes to close the U.S. embassy in Iran, which has been closed for 100 years... Such stupidity at the head of the world's most powerful country gives one the shivers!
Republikāņu kandidātu nezināšanas summa ASV prezidenta vēlēšanu priekšvēlēšanās ir vienkārši prātam neaptverama: viens baidās, ka Ķīna iegūs kodolieročus, kas viņiem ir bijuši 100 gadus, bet otrs ierosina slēgt ASV vēstniecību. Irānā, kas ir slēgta 100 gadus... Tāds stulbums pasaules varenākās valsts galvgalī rada drebuļus!
There's no cure for stupidity.
Nav zāles pret stulbumu.
Is there a cure for stupidity?
Vai ir zāles pret stulbumu?
If the difference between order and chaos or preservation and ruin were the same as that between high mountains and deep valleys, or between white clay and black lacquer, then wisdom would have had no place: stupidity would also have been alright.
Ja atšķirība starp kārtību un haosu vai saglabāšanu un sagraušanu būtu tāda pati kā starp augstiem kalniem un dziļām ielejām vai starp balto mālu un melno laku, tad gudrībai nebūtu vietas: arī stulbums būtu bijis kārtībā.
Thanks to your stupidity, we lost the game.
Pateicoties jūsu stulbumam, mēs zaudējām spēli.
The sum of the ignorance of the Republican candidates in the primaries for the U.S. presidential election is simply mind-boggling: one is afraid that China will obtain nuclear weapons, which they have had for 44 years, and the other proposes to close the U.S. embassy in Iran, which has been closed for 32 years... Such stupidity at the head of the world's most powerful country gives one the shivers!
Republikāņu kandidātu nezināšanas summa ASV prezidenta vēlēšanu priekšvēlēšanās ir vienkārši prātam neaptverama: viens baidās, ka Ķīna iegūs kodolieročus, kas viņiem ir bijuši 44 gadus, bet otrs ierosina slēgt ASV vēstniecību. Irānā, kas ir slēgta 32 gadus... Tāds stulbums pasaules varenākās valsts galvgalī rada drebuļus!
There's no cure for stupidity.
Nav zāles pret stulbumu.
There's no cure for stupidity.
Nav zāles pret stulbumu.
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