A river is a stream of water.
Upe ir ūdens straume.
Never swap horses while crossing a stream.
Nekad nemainiet zirgus, šķērsojot straumi.
The three animals tried to help the old man, the monkey using its ability to climb to collect fruit and nuts, and the fox catching fish in the stream to bring to him.
Trīs dzīvnieki mēģināja palīdzēt vecajam vīram, pērtiķim, izmantojot savu spēju kāpt, lai savāktu augļus un riekstus, un lapsa ķēra zivis straumē, lai atvestu pie viņa.
Drink water from a stream.
Dzert ūdeni no strauta.
He flung a stream of abuse at me.
Viņš uzmeta man vardarbības straumi.
A small stream runs by my house.
Pie manas mājas tek neliela straume.
It must be dangerous to swim in this rapid stream.
Šajā straujajā straumē peldēties ir jābūt bīstamam.
A small stream ran down among the rocks.
Starp akmeņiem lija neliela straume.
As he crossed the bridge, he looked down at the stream.
Šķērsojot tiltu, viņš paskatījās lejup uz straumi.
Drink water from a stream.
Dzert ūdeni no strauta.
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