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Translation of "share" into Latvian
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IPA : /ʃɛr/
I could hardly make out half of what she'd said, she was hurrying to share the obtained information. I had to listen twice.
Diez vai varēju saprast pusi no viņas teiktā, viņa steidzās dalīties ar iegūto informāciju. Man bija jāklausās divas reizes.
My brother and I share the same room.
Mums ar brāli ir viena istaba.
I'll give Tom half of my share.
Es iedošu Tomam pusi no savas daļas.
Tom doesn't share Mary's enthusiasm.
Toms nepiekrīt Mērijas entuziasmam.
The scientific adviser doesn't share his student's optimism.
Zinātniskais padomnieks nepiekrīt sava studenta optimismam.
We did not evolve from monkeys. We share a common ancestor.
Mēs neattīstījāmies no pērtiķiem. Mums ir kopīgs sencis.
Tom doesn't like to share.
Tomam nepatīk dalīties.
I'd like to share my secret with you.
Es vēlētos dalīties ar jums savā noslēpumā.
I share his opinion.
Es piekrītu viņa viedoklim.
Canada and Mexico both share a border with the USA.
Kanādai un Meksikai ir kopīga robeža ar ASV.
I was just wondering if you have any experiences you would like to share with us.
Es tikai domāju, vai jums ir kāda pieredze, ar kuru vēlaties dalīties ar mums.
So let there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America. And I believe that America holds within her the truth that regardless of race, religion, or station in life, all of us share common aspirations – to live in peace and security; to get an education and to work with dignity; to love our families, our communities, and our God. These things we share. This is the hope of all humanity.
Tāpēc lai nav šaubu: islāms ir daļa no Amerikas. Un es uzskatu, ka Amerika sevī tur patiesību, ka neatkarīgi no rases, reliģijas vai dzīves vietas mums visiem ir kopīgas vēlmes dzīvot mierā un drošībā; iegūt izglītību un strādāt ar cieņu; mīlēt savas ģimenes, kopienas un Dievu. Šīs lietas, ar kurām mēs dalāmies. Tā ir visas cilvēces cerība.
Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
Ikvienam ir tiesības brīvi piedalīties kopienas kultūras dzīvē, baudīt mākslu un piedalīties zinātnes attīstībā un tās priekšrocībās.
I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea.
Es nevaru teikt, ka piekrītu jūsu entuziasmam par šo ideju.
We agreed to share the housework.
Mēs vienojāmies dalīties ar mājas darbiem.
I share the room with my sister.
Es dalos istabā ar savu māsu.
He likes to share his pleasure with his friends.
Viņam patīk dalīties savā priekā ar draugiem.
In order to share it, we'll have to tear it into two pieces.
Lai to kopīgotu, mums tas būs jāsadala divās daļās.
You have to share the cake equally.
Kūka ir jādala vienādi.
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