It's about time the manager was removed.
Ir pienācis laiks noņemt vadītāju.
This growth ought to be removed immediately.
Šis pieaugums ir nekavējoties jānoņem.
Tom removed his pistol from his shoulder holster and laid it on the table.
Toms noņēma pistoli no pleca maciņa un nolika to uz galda.
I had to get my tattoo removed.
Man bija jānoņem tetovējums.
I had to get it removed.
Man tas bija jānoņem.
Tom removed his socks.
Toms novilka zeķes.
Tom removed his gloves.
Toms novilka cimdus.
Tom had his wisdom teeth removed.
Tomam tika noņemti gudrības zobi.
The stain that was removed was still visible on the skirt.
Noņemtais traips joprojām bija redzams uz svārkiem.
I'm curious to know why they removed my name from the list.
Man ir interese uzzināt, kāpēc viņi izņēma manu vārdu no saraksta.
The injured were removed from the scene.
Ievainotie tika izņemti no notikuma vietas.
She removed her hat when she entered the room.
Ieejot istabā, viņa noņēma cepuri.
She removed the dishes from the table.
Viņa noņēma traukus no galda.
She removed the papers from the desk.
Viņa izņēma papīrus no rakstāmgalda.
The tartar has to be removed.
Zobakmens ir jānoņem.
She removed the dishes from the table.
Viņa noņēma traukus no galda.
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