I've been tormented by regret.
Mani mocīja nožēla.
We all regret what happened.
Mēs visi nožēlojam notikušo.
I really regret having to say it to you.
Es ļoti nožēloju, ka man tas jums jāsaka.
I don't regret what I've done.
Es nenožēloju izdarīto.
I regret kissing Tom.
Es nožēloju, ka skūpstīju Tomu.
You'll regret it one day.
Kādu dienu tu to nožēlosi.
You'll regret it someday.
Jūs kādreiz to nožēlosit.
I regret what I said.
Es nožēloju to, ko teicu.
Don't make me regret this.
Neliec man to nožēlot.
You won't regret this.
Jūs to nenožēlosiet.
Don't do something you'll regret.
Nedari kaut ko tādu, ko nožēlosi.
There is nothing to regret about.
Nav par ko nožēlot.
She will regret this.
Viņa to nožēlos.
You will regret this.
Jūs to nožēlosiet.
I'm going to regret this.
Es to nožēlošu.
If Tom does that, he's sure to regret it.
Ja Toms to darīs, viņš noteikti to nožēlos.
I regret that I couldn't go with her.
Es nožēloju, ka nevarēju iet viņai līdzi.
I regret not having heard that conversation.
Es nožēloju, ka neesmu dzirdējis šo sarunu.
He did not regret his decision.
Viņš savu lēmumu nenožēloja.
I don't regret it.
Es to nenožēloju.
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